recipe by Sweetest Menu( thank you )

Funfétti Vânillâ Lâyér Câké with two lâyérs of vânillâ câké loâdéd with sprinklés, frostéd with vânillâ buttércréâm ând complétély covéréd in SPRINKLÉS!

Vânillâ câké
·         230 grâms (1 cup or 2 sticks) unsâltéd buttér, room témpérâturé
·         200 grâms (1 cup) câstér sugâr
·         2 téâspoons vânillâ éxtrâct
·         3 lârgé éggs, room témpérâturé
·         315 grâms (2 ând 1/4 cups) plâin flour
·         3 téâspoons bâking powdér
·         240 ml (1 cup) milk
·         2 tâbléspoons full fât sour créâm
·         1/4 cup sprinklés (râinbow jimmiés)
Vânillâ buttércréâm
·         230 grâms (1 cup or 2 sticks) unsâltéd buttér, room témpérâturé
·         2 téâspoon vânillâ éxtrâct or vânillâ béân pâsté
·         750 grâms (6 cups) icing or powdéréd sugâr
·         60 ml (1/4 cup) milk
·         2 cups of sprinklés (râinbow jimmiés)

1.    Gréâsé ând liné two 8 inch round bâking tins. Préhéât thé ovén to 160 C (320 F).  In â lârgé mixing bowl, âdd thé buttér, sugâr ând vânillâ ând béât with ân éléctric mixér until smooth ând créâmy. Âdd in thé éggs, oné ât â timé, ând béât âftér éâch âddition. Sift in thé flour ând bâking powdér. Âdd thé milk ând béât on â low spééd until combinéd. Âdd sour créâm ând mix through. Finâlly, âdd thé sprinklés ând stir briéfly.
2.    Dividé thé bâttér événly bétwéén thé two câké tins ând bâké in thé ovén for âpproximâtély 25-30 minutés or until goldén on top. Câréfully rémové thé câkés from thé pâns ând sét on â wiré râck to cool complétély.


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